
United Italian Corp., (HK) Ltd. was established in Hong Kong since 1966 specialized in professional marketing, sales and delivery service in relation to all medical products and institutions in Hong Kong and Macau. To cope with our expanding pace, we are now inviting high caliber candidates to apply for the following openings:- 空缺數目: 2 工作性質:全職 職責…

2024 義工感想 (Joie Tang)

2024 年 梅縣“扶殘助學”活動 義工分享 不經不覺沒有參與”力行義工”都有很多年了,以往亦有參與眼科手術,今次有幸參與梅縣扶殘助學活動5日4夜之旅,心情都很緊張,出發當日早上下着大雨,在佐敦龍堡酒店乘坐大巴出發,差不多6小時車程,終於到達梅縣7位公司同事及其他義工,先到酒店放低行李,再到酒家吃午飯。 我同Peggy每日到訪10多個鄕鎮篩查,為頒發助學金前作家訪,由於我是第一次參與,我主要負責拍攝照片及書寫記錄,由於篩查這2天都下大雨,下車後要徒步經過一些泥路和濕滑的斜路,才能到達目的地,家訪當日他們大清早就等待着我們的來臨。到訪的家庭大多數都比較清貧,父母出城工作,他們就用功讀書。 其中最印象深刻的一件事,我們在隆文鎮準備進入某位學生屋企時,氣氛突然緊張起來,鎮政府和殘疾人聯合會的工作人員紛紛都戴上口罩😷,我同Peggy亦都跟隨戴上口罩來,與這位學生交談期間,我望見他的父親獨自留在房間帶着口罩並沒有與我們交談,心𥚃以經有些疑惑,交談完畢後我們回到車上🚌才知道原來這位學生的父親患上肺癆病,雖然他要照顧父親,但仍然非常努力讀書,這件事情令我最為難忘。 各組義工經過2日家訪後,第三日就舉行閉門會議,最後有170多位學生得到助學金,總金額為$443500元,他們除了自己本身努力讀書外,亦得到有心人士的資助及幸運之神眷顧,這是十分難能可貴,送贈儀式當日,看見這些學生前來,真替他們高興,希望他們他日學業有成,可以學以致用再教導其他學生或小童。 今次義工之旅,令我深刻體會到國內仍有很多貧苦或殘疾學生,很需要社會上一些善心人士,肯有錢出錢,有力出力地去讓他們完成學業,感恩公司同老闆將賺到的金錢從多方面途徑回饋社會,讓更多人受惠,深深領略到(施恩莫望報,施比受更為有福的道理)亦很高興認識到其他義工,希望明年再有機會大家一齊合作,再次發揮無私奉獻,互助互❤️的關愛精神。 義工 Joie Tang 2024年8月

Junior Engineer (Medical Equipment)

United Italian Corp., (HK) Ltd. was established in Hong Kong since 1966 specialized in professional marketing, sales and delivery service in relation to all medical products and institutions in Hong Kong and Macau. To cope with our expanding pace, we are now inviting high caliber candidates to apply for the following openings: Responsibilities: Assist the…

Administration & Sales Supporting Clerk (5-day work)

United Italian Corp., (HK) Ltd. was established in Hong Kong since 1966 specialized in professional marketing, sales and delivery service in relation to all medical products and institutions in Hong Kong and Macau. To cope with our expanding pace, we are now inviting high caliber candidates to apply for the following openings:-   Job Duties:…

Driver (Tsuen Wan)司機(荃灣區)

United Italian Corp., (HK) Ltd. was established in Hong Kong since 1966 specialized in professional marketing, sales and delivery service in relation to all medical products and institutions in Hong Kong and Macau. To cope with our expanding pace, we are now inviting high caliber candidates to apply for the following openings:- 空缺數目: 2 工作性質:全職 職責…